Friday, April 4, 2008

I thought the shot was suppose to help!

So Aaron and I are 2 weeks from our Marathon and my ilitibal band has been flaring up, so Aaron had me go in to have a cortisone shot with the doctor he was with. I was expecting for it to be immediate pain relief. Boy was I wrong. I was one of the few people who experience a steriod "flare" where basically in simple terms ( Aaron explained it in medical terms that of course went right over my head!) the steriod makes that area hurt even worse than before for about 48 hours. That would have been nice to know considering I couldn't walk for 2 days. But all is finally well and we are back on track for the race!


Unknown said...

ahh hopefully the pilates will help the pain! we can try a few exercises!

Alli Easley said...

YIPES! I'm sorry about that but holy...I can't believe you're going to run a marathon. I am absolutely in shock. You go girl!

Erica said...

OH! I'm so glad you posted- I stopped looking at the blog for a while I guess (I never saw any posts) I'm so glad I checked it today!! I'll be checking very often now- so keep up!! Can I just say that Zoe is absolutley GORGEOUS! WOW! I love her 1st birthday photos. Happy Birthday Zoe! (Will you please send me your e-mail address. I'm making my blog private soon.)

Love ya!