Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How Zoe has spent the last week

So we went to Vegas for Aarons conference and to celebrate Zoe's birthday. Starting on Wed. she started throwing up and then in turned in to the nastiest, smelliest diaharea Zoe has ever gotten. She would just cry and cry and say her tummy hurt. This all started Wed. the 25th and today the 4th of March is the first day that she is eating and drinking normally and hasn't had diaharea. Starting from the bottom of the post to the top picture is a sequence of how Zoe was spending her days when she wasn't crying from her hurting tummy. It was heartbreaking to watch. We are still staying seculuded for one more day. I don't want to be the mom who gave let her little girl spread this awful Rotavirus to every kid.


lauren said...

ah poor little thing... she had rota virus? thats so sad sorry i didnt get to see you but glad you were spending time with the sicky doesnt it make you so sad when they are sick?