Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

Well as you can see Zoe is getting bigger everyday! She loves to talk to you and has the cutest little grin. She is now 6 months old and is just the best beautiful baby and Aaron and I couldn't have asked for more. Currently Aaron and I are getting ready to run a half mararthon next month then after that we want to do the Las Vegas Marathan. Yes, I know, we must be crazy! But we do love going running together in the morning with Zoe, with Aaron's school schedule it is the only guaranteed time we get together! We hope all is going well with our family that isn't with us! We love you guys and miss you! Till next time!

Swimming with Grandpa Browne on Labor Day

Ready for bedtime in my fuzzy PJs

Just munching on some fruit! Yum Yum